Professional experience
You can find the relevant professional experience of the instructor here in detail. You can also find relevant information on her LinkedIn profile or on imdb.com
Screenwriting Lessons :
Creative Screenwriting Lessons for short films, Online. Period: 2020-2022 (ongoing.) Info: www.mathimata-senariou.gr
Screenwriting techniques for short films. Period: 2017-2022 (ongoing), at SourLiBoom Art Space, Thessaloniki, Greece. Address: 39, Ionos Dragoumi Street. Info: www.sourliboom.net
Screenwriting for short films (2015), Writers' Union of Northern Greece, Thessaloniki. Info: http://elve1980.gr
Advanced Study in Screenwriting (2006-2007), Online courses, at SUNY Empire State College, Center for Distance Learning. Info: https://www.esc.edu
Story Analysis & the Art of Scriptwriting (2005) at New York College Thessaloniki, Greece. Info: https://www.nyc.gr
Sourcing Creativity (2005), at New York College, Thessaloniki, Greece https://www.nyc.gr
Theater Courses:
Foundation Course: “Drama & Theater: An Introduction” (2009-2010), at “Network Group” School Address: 18, Pavlou Mela & Tsimiski Street, Diagonios, Thessaloniki, Greece tel: +30 (2310) 240-394, +30 21 300 300 28. Info: salonica@network.gr, www.network.gr
Film Courses:
Conflict and Coercion in Film (2004), at New York College Thessaloniki - Greece, Address: 138, Egnatias Street & P.P.Germanou, tel: +30 2310 889 879. Info: www.nyc.gr
Film Credits
The Black Square (2017-2018), As Researcher. Genre: Tv Documentary Series. Subject: History of Art (ET3 Channel, Northern Greece) Info: IMDB link
"Folk Bards" (2023) Script consultant. Director: Thanos Koutsandreas. Duration: 120 minutes.
"The Great Fire of Salonica: Birth to a city" (2017), As Researcher and screenwriter. Duration: 62 minutes. Directed by: Grigoris Vardarinos. Production: le plus petit chef, Cosmote Tv. Avant Premiere: 9-17 September 2017, Hellexpo-TIF. TV premiere: Cosmote History Channel, December 3, 2017. Honorary Distinction at the 11th Documentary Festival (Chalkida, Greece) http://www.docfest.gr,
Audience Award at the Peloponnese Documentary Festival, Greece. Info: https://www.facebook.com/SalonicaGreatFire1917doc -
“In Wood we Trust” (2015), As a Journalist. (ET3 Channel.) Watch Here: https://vimeo.com/154865767
"Kriton the Acrobat" (2013), As Researcher and editor-in-chief. (ET3 Channel.) Watch Here: https://vimeo.com/70142398
Feature Films/Shorts:
“The Noir Project” (2014), As Screenwriter. Duration: 27 minutes. Genre: Drama. Directed by: Grigoris Vardarinos. Production: Perseverance Films, Cosmote Tv. Screenings at 12 festivals and more than 25 special screenings. Info: https://www.facebook.com/thenoirprojectmovie
"The return of Dominic DelaDoor" (2006), As Screenwriter. Duration: 120 Minutes. Genre: Comedy and Sci-Fi. Directed by: Zachos Samoladas. Production: Genesis FVP. Special screening at the Thessaloniki Film Festival, Greece, 2006, participation in the Industry Center of the Festival, etc. IMDB link
Relevant professional experience
As Screenwriter (2005-2009): Script Doctor, Treatment / Script for movies, animation projects, advertising, for "Genesis Film and Video Production". Manager: Zachos Samoladas. Address: 9, Christopoulou Street, Thessaloniki, Greece. Info: http://www.genesisfvp.com
As Media Expert (2009): As Independent assessor of proposals for funding: film features, documentaries, etc. Institution: EACEA, (Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency.) Funding Program: Creative Europe MEDIA - Development, BOUR 03/26, Avenue du Bourget, 1, BE-1140 Brussels, Belgium. Info: https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/homepage